Ep. 21 - Julian Carr - Fear is a given. (Part 2)

Part 2 with Julian Carr.

Part 1 - https://bit.ly/2u0KmtO

How Julian shows Up: By approaching risk in a centered, calculating way.

In the ski world, Julian Carr is well-known for his big airs and has been featured in seven Warren Miller films, received a 'Photo of the Year' award from Powder Magazine and won the Sickbird Award while on the Freeskiing World Tour.

However, what most people know about Julian is probably the number 210, as in the height of his record setting cliff jump in Engelberg, Switzerland. But, if that’s all you know about him, you’re missing out on so much.

Beyond skiing, Julian founded a mountain running series, the Cirque Series, which is in its third season. He is also an ambassador for Protect Our Winters and The Climate Reality Project. Plus, he's the founder of Discrete Clothing.

We talk about his upbringing, how he came to the sport, his approach to skiing in general and how he goes about hitting the huge cliffs he’s known for. Just because a small cliff for him is around 50 feet, that doesn’t mean Julian loves being reckless. In fact, he has a very methodical, considered approach to skiing.

We talk about how that approach comes from parents who let him get bruised up from jumping off neighborhood roofs, and who also instilled in him a love of learning, poetry and the outdoors. It also comes from his own response to a serious injury.

I talk to Julian about how if events went a little differently, he could have become a snowboarder. We talk about his career, why and how he started Discrete and yes, we talk about how he thinks through  jumping off big, big cliffs.
